Hidden memories (2019), time 3:09

The film “Hidden memories” is an attempt to take part in ongoing discoussion about pedophilia among priests. The problem is shown through symbols, signs and pessimistic tones, compeles us to reflect.
Two worlds have been confronted here. First: sensitive, joyful and defenseless – the world of a child. Second: dark, disturbing, cold and alien, which is here represented by nature. But this landscape is also a synonym of harm and pain experienced by a pedophile victim.
An important element of the whole is the sky – heaven. Clouds are symbolically arranged in the image of Christ’s face during few seconds and their dark color isn’t the one that heaven should have…

2021 DoctorClip, VIII Roma poetry film festival, Scena-Spazio Cinema Eventi Nuove Arti Roma, 26XI-9XII 2021, Rome, Italy

2021 Moinho Cine Fest. April 2021; União das Freguesias Custóias, Leça do Balio and Guifões, Matosinhos, Portugal.
2020 ADAF 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival – July 10/September 10, Athens, Greece (online)
2020 10th edition of International Video Art Festival Now&After; October 21–24; Education Center of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art; Moscow, Russia
2020 OVER THE REAL – Festival Internazionale di Videoarte (Festival postponed in first term due to the health Covid-19 situation); 30 September to 4 October; Vincenzo da Massa Carrara Auditorium, Lucca, Italy
2019 Video Art Forum, Society of Culture and Arts in Dammam, 11-15 November, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
2019 8. Festiwal Filmow Frapujacych, 18-20.10.2019, Kino 60 Krzesel, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland – Award in Form Category
2019 Mostra Strangeloscope – 12th edition of International Festival of  EXPERIMENTAL ÁUDIO/ VIDEO/ FILM/ PERFORMANCE; 9-15 September; Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS/SC) [Museum of Image and Sound]
Av. Gov. Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 – Agronômica – Florianópolis, Brasil
2019 The Unseen Festival, 20-29 September, Counterpath, 7935 East 14th Avenue, Denver, USA
2019 65. OKFA – National Festival of Independent Films, 28 May-2 June 2019; Center of Culture and Art, Konin, Poland 
2019 INTIMALENT / INTIMATELENS Ethnographic Film Festival – edition 8; 12 April, Spazio X, Amatelab, Caserta, Italy – Award in Video Art category